Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What motivates you? Would you work for $1 or $100?

So what really motivates people to do things? In a parenting course that I just started, I've learned that kids are taught to be motivated by external motivators (like money or "stickers") when we reward them for what they do. Since I think most of us were raised by being rewarded, I would think that most people work for such external reasons. However, when we encourage our children for doing things such as emphasizing their hard work and effort, or expressing pride in their accomplishments -- then we are positioning them to be influenced by internal motivators (like enjoying what they are doing or getting personal satisfaction). Internal motivators are much more powerful than external ones, and are the ones that truly make us happy and drive us forward.

However, we still do like to make an extra buck -- so this was my idea when my leaders came up with a promotion to see who could come up with the most creative (and effective) idea to post something on our blogs in order to increase our team size (and the winner would receive $200 to implement their promotion)... What if I were to offer the next 100 people who sign up to preview the bamboopink opportunity one dollar each (I'm currently at 116 on my team). If you go to http://www.bamboopink.net/newjersey, you can sign up for FREE. But you'd also get a dollar if I win this promotion. And then, I would also offer to EVERYONE on my team the opportunity to receive the other $100 -- based on whoever increases their own team size the most by the end of May. Would you sign up for the free preview? Would you work to try to invite others to preview the opportunity?

Part of what motivates you may also be the likelihood of you receiving the money. For example, if I said I would definitely give you $1 for signing up (and it only takes a minute), you may be more likely to spend that minute to sign up. But if there were 200 people who could earn the $100, you may think that you don't have a chance to get the $100 and therefore not put any time into trying to increase your team size. Just as bamboopink gives all consultants the opportunity for "unlimited income potential" -- but people who think they cannot really make a significant amount of money will not put in the effort to work the business. However, some people who think they may make only a decent amount of income may put in the effort if they are motivated by other factors: e.g., they're excited about being part of a new business started by a highly successful jewelry designer, or they want to earn a few extra hundred dollars a month so that they can make payments on a new car to go on family trips...

In any case, I would love to run the $1 / $100 promotion to grow a larger team of consultants -- but I think for the team members to be truly effective, they have to know why they are a part of bamboopink and what they want to get out of it. As I posted in the bamboopink promotion to win an iPad, my goal is to lead a team that grows together so that we can all reach our personal goals:

The 4th of July symbolizes a day of freedom and independence, the day that a new country was officially "born" -- and the day when it became possible to go for the "American dream." Since 1776, there have been many positive changes such as rights for women and minorities, amazing technological developments, and other advancements. But July 4th was one of the first steps to allowing us to be where we are now. Given the significance of the date, I think it would be a powerful statement to reach Pink Diamond status by July 4th, 2012. Just the idea that we CAN get there in 15 months is awesome, the fact that the Internet explosion allows us to connect with more people more quickly in order for ALL of us to be able to reach our dreams.  
To be a Pink Diamond would be glamorous and elite, but it would also reflect the hard work put in to get there -- and a deeper meaning for each of us. I intend to put in the effort and reach the Pink Diamond level by July 4th, 2012 so that my team members and I will be:

* Proud to be leaders
* Inspiring to others
* Noticed for our strength, integrity and creativity -- 
* Kindred spirits who are...

* Determined to reach our goals
* Independent financially -- for ourselves and our families
* Able to give back to the world and our communities
* Motivated to make a difference
* Optimistic about our future
* Never looking back... AND
* Destined for success!!!
* Supporting each other along the way!!!

Thank you bamboopink for giving us this opportunity...


  1. My motivation is my family! They definitely keep me going!

  2. Congratulations to the winner of the "blog" promotion:

    Meredith and Kim announced the winner of our blog contest on their call Sunday (4/17) night:

    For those of you who weren’t on the call, we are very pleased to announce the winner of our contest….Jennifer Calleja from Louisville, Kentucky! I encourage you all to read Jennifer’s submission below - it is quite impressive and creative! We thought this was the most original idea and that it would reach the largest audience! Her contest will be easy to execute, with an exciting marketing appeal, it is not cost or time-prohibitive to the prospective entrants AND not too costly to the rep running the contest! The "Want to Wear it First" idea could be a great marketing tool! You know we women love to have something cute that no one else has yet! We also loved her plans regarding follow-ups! Also great because it helps increase traffic for their business on two places on the web- their blog and her website!

    Congratulations, Jennifer!! Awesome job! Meredith and I are honored to fund this promotion for you up to $200! Once you announce your winners from the drawing, we will send you the money, via PayPal to purchase the jewelry for the winner! Since you won $200 for a prize maybe your contest could say "the winner receives their favorite piece of jewelry plus any additional items for a total of $250 worth of jewelry (remember you will be able to buy the jewelry at a discount so our $200 should cover approx $250 jewelry retail plus shipping and tax)! Or you could do this for 4 weeks in a row and have 4 different winners win a $50 prize! We can’t wait to see the results for your business!

    Jennifer's Submission:
    My idea is to drive business to our actual replicated site for people to get familiar with Bamboopink. Unfortunately, I would have to believe the masses of people have not even heard of JudeFrances more less own a piece of the jewelry so our potential customers first have to be educated on the company, product and why they should choose to purchase our jewelry rather than elsewhere. To do this, I would have posted on the blog "Want to Wear It First" then direct people to go to your replicated website and drop you a quick email just stating their blog name and the piece of BP jewelry they like best then direct them to go back and post their favorite piece of jewelry on the blog for all to see. This way you will get potential customer information in a couple of ways (their email and blog link). After the contest/signup deadline, one person's name would be drawn and they would win their favorite piece of BP jewelry. Everyone else that entered you could contact back and use their favorite piece of jewelry to establish rapport and possibly book a VTS/LTS. By getting each entrant to go to your website to look at our jewelry, you have just introduced them to the company and while at your replicated site, they just might take a look at the "opportunity" and be interested in signing up :)
