Monday, February 28, 2011


Here's the email you can send to your friends:
  1. Customize it with your own info (make sure to change the text in red and include the Information Sheet and Story PDFs as attachments (find them in the bamboopink Back Office under "Forms")
  2. Update the links to go to your own site once you get your own website (you can get a free URL at):
Hi, (or "Dear Friends and Colleagues,")

I am reaching out to you because I came across your listing on a vendor shows where I also list my business, and thought that you might be interested in a new venture that I think is a great opportunity for women and men to build a business based on an innovative "hybrid" model with a multi-faceted compensation plan. Personally, as a full-time marketing professional (currently on maternity leave with our second child), I also have been juggling a part-time business doing home parties and vendor shows -- so having been introduced to this opportunity last month, I truly believe it will be an explosive company that will help many people earn a significant income. 

The company officially launched on 3/15, but is still in the process of releasing key information such as their aggressive compensation plan. During their pre-launch phase, consultants can enroll for free and view their back office and get started building their teams without any sign up fee! There is still a window of opportunity to enroll with bamboopink at no cost, so you can begin taking advantage of their back office resources. (To enroll, go to: 

Notes from Conference Calls on Monday February 28, 2011

A. Paul's call
  • Over 1000 women a day at one point becoming a part of Bamboopink, and launch has had over 8000 people enroll in first month.
  • Never judge who would potentially be a representative or customer, send out an email that encourages all of your friends and contacts to:
  1. Get info on the company (share JudeFrances current designer jewelry)
  2. See images of bamboopink jewelry line
  3. Witness the fastest growing launch of an online jewelry company in the United States
  • Financial model has to work, and the business has to be easily replicable -- try to get a radio personality and other people with wide reach -- can make thousands a month will explode business to $millions of sales...