Often companies in direct sales, network marketing and multi-level marketing get a bad rap. People look at the turn-over rates and the low percentages of high-earners, and think that these companies are "scams."
However, as with any industry, direct sales and network marketing companies are all about numbers. For example, only a small percentage of people will submit a resume for a specific job, then get an interview and then the job -- and an even smaller percentage of those who get jobs will work their way up to becoming an executive with a company. This is not illegitimate, it's simply the way life is structured. In the same way, some people will spend more time working, others will have different priorities (or no priorities)... Usually, only the percentage that puts in the effort will see the results.
A direct sales/network marketing company will also attract people of different backgrounds and goals. For example, one person may become a part of the company simply because they love the products and just want to get a discount on ordering a kit. Some people will want to sell the products occasionally, and others may work at selling them full-time. And yet another person may want to focus their efforts on introducing the company's products to other people who would be interested in selling -- and work on building a team. Those who reach the top usually need to be able to do both: sell the products, and build a team. In order to succeed in this industry, I believe that consultants need to develop some key traits that will help them do both.
- Develop a thick skin: Understand that there will be people who say No. Some will not want to buy products, and even more will not want to sell them. Accept the "No" people and keep asking -- you will get to the "Yes" people and those are the ones you want as your customers and team members anyway!
- Be a team player: Leverage your sponsor and those above. You can't do everything, so ask those above you to help develop your team members. Just like in the corporate world, find a network marketing mentor who can help you work through issues that you may be having.
- Think creatively, but follow the system. Use different ways to get across the message of the company, and try to reach key target audiences who you think would be interested in the product or business opportunity -- but do what works. Instead of reinventing everything, spend your time taking what has been provided you and being creative in getting it out there.
To help you better understand the network marketing business and social networking, here are some additional resources:
- Is Network Marketing Recession-Proof?
- Network marketing: you get out of it what you put in
- 10 Important Network Marketing Tips
- Tried and true tips for growing your business as a network marketer
- Social Networking Articles
- Facebook and Twitter guides, building an online community, etc.
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